Setting New Moon Business Intentions

Following the New Moon in Gemini on Sunday 18th June, this week’s blog is all about how you can work with the New Moon in your business. Next week, on Wednesday 28th June, I’m holding my free Moon Magic Masterclass - 3 Ways To Use The Moon To Plan Your Business, so consider this your sneak peek!!

New Moons are new beginnings. They mark the start of a new 29-day lunar cycle. This is the time to set your goals and intentions for your business and decide where you will focus for the next two weeks.

The best time to tune into the New Moon energy is within 8 hours of the New Moon, but the actual New Moon Phase lasts for around 3 days. Set aside some time around each New Moon to think about and write down your intentions.

One of the biggest struggles for business owners, and people in general to be fair, is making decisions. Especially when faced with multiple options. If you are new in business, or not making traction, then I recommend making a list of all the thoughts, ideas and offers you have around your business. Get them out of your head and onto paper, or a Google doc. Keep this list somewhere safe, call it Brilliant Business Ideas, and come back to it regularly to tick things off, add and remove things.

Now that we have a list of ideas, pick one. It really doesn’t matter which one you pick. Select the one you are most excited about, or draw one out of a hat!! Highlight it on your list so you know which one you are working on. This one idea is going to be your New Moon Wish, and we will set intentions around it. 

Close your eyes, take some deep breaths, and focus on that wish. Visualise your idea coming to life. What will that be like? Who will you help? How will it work? Picture it in as much detail as possible and focus on the feelings that brings up in you. Really focus on the feelings and when you are ready, open your eyes and get ready to write.

Write down your wish, in as much detail as you can. Putting everything you just imagined and felt into words. Next, write down at least three reasons why you want this wish. And then brainstorm at least five things you can do to take action on this wish. We really want to ground this wish in, to focus on the feelings of the wish coming true and the reasons that we want it. We also need a plan to make it happen. This plan - your list of action steps - are your intentions.

There are going to be days when you are really excited to work on this wish and days when you will have zero motivation. Turn your wish into an affirmation. Something that you can repeat to yourself every day, especially on your zero motivation days, that will allow you to connect with the emotional feeling of achieving your goals. The idea here is to have something that will get you excited about your wish again.

Now, write down your affirmation on a post-it note, in your diary or planner, on a whiteboard, or wherever works best for you. Just make sure you will see it every day. This allows it to remain front of mind and keeps your focus on it.

As the Moon grows in the sky during her waxing period, you will take action on your wish. This will look different depending on the wish. Each day, do one thing that moves you closer to your wish. Make a note of any challenges or resistance that comes up for you as you work on this one thing.

On the following New Moon, look back on your New Moon Wish, read through everything you wrote down and see where you are. New Moons are not just about starting new things, they are also about recommitting to things. So if you haven’t achieved your goals, and some wishes will take longer than one cycle, then recommit to it on the next New Moon. 

And when you have achieved your goal, then go back to your list of brilliant business ideas and pick a new one to work on.

I hope you found this week's blog helpful. In next week’s blog, I will talk about the Full Moon, and how we can work with that energy in our business. Hint, it involves that list of challenges and resistance!!

If you would like to know more about working with the moon in your business, then I invite you to attend my Moon Magic Masterclass - 3 Ways To Use The Moon To Plan Your Business, for more juicy tips!! Save your spot using the button below.


Using the Full Moon in Business


What is energy?